Welcome to the Mabilijengo Foundation. We are a network of highly skilled humanitarians who extend ourselves to our community and improve the lives of hundreds of families through weekly programs, life-skills camps, and a village system of family support. We believe access to elders, educators, storytellers, and a network of compassionate whole health support is your human right. With the help of dedicated volunteers and donors like you, we are committed to the preservation and advancement of the cultural heritage rooted in African Ancestry and spread throughout the diaspora. Our efforts build stronger families-- the basis of strong communities.
U.S. based nonprofit that provides personal and family development support for BIPOC and alternative educational resources centered on the celebration of Black culture throughout the Americas.
WHERE TO Find us
The Mabilijengo Foundation on H.E.R. Living Campus 3624 Five Points Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46239
" 'Interdependence with nature and accepting who you are!' These two things are the majority of our takeaways. The "H.E.R. Living Campus" project does exactly what they say they do-- Honor, Educate, and Restore."
Takisha Jacobs, Co-Founder/Director-- Connect 2 Be The Change Ltd.